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Monday, June 22, 2009

~Tag Google from MiszMama Zone~

Tag ini dr MiszMama..so layan tag lg yaaaa...

Rules : Use Google image to find the answer to the questions below as rules. Choose images from the first page only and after that Tag 7 people.

1) Wish:: happy with family..love them!

2) city i was born::hulu langat selangor

3) The city I was working ::tau kaaa di mana nih!..heheheh

4) Place I'd like to travel ::teringin nk g cni aaa..bile leh dpt ekk..huhuuh

5) A Favourite house ::i likeeee this house.. modern contemporary

6) A Favourite Animal

7) Tag 7 people..goes toooo..
~ Mama Zara~
~ Mama Idzareef/Eve
~ Ibu Danial~
~ Ibu Rayyan~
~ Ummieisya~
~ UmmieSalsabila Aufa~
~ Ummi Sarra Dobokss~

~ kengkwn lain amek le skali ekk ~
(amek tau kengkwn..)=p


Jue @ atanayuiman said...

uitt..!! bior benar feveret animal tuee.. hihihi.. :-)

mama auni firdina said...

pn jue>hahahhaa..betul la mmg minat iguana tp x pnh le bela menatang ni..

MiszMama said...

dah siap ye..toche..toche.

Ummi Eisya&Amani said...

akan ku ambil nanti ye..tak geli ke dengan haiwan tu..tidak la daku..

mama idzareef said...

mama auni..tag ni best..nnti sy buat..aite.. :D

Anonymous said...

saye x ditag.tp yg jadi kwn2 mama auni disilakan buat.. tp lagi,kwn mama auni yg bernama mamamiera ni maleh nk buek.. huhuu pemalehh la haku..

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